protective adj. 1.保护的,防护的。 2.保护贸易的。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
mask n. 1.假面具,伪装,掩蔽物;面罩;防毒面具(= gas mask);【物理学】掩模;(劈剑,棒球等用)护面;(用蜡等从死人面部模制成的)蜡模遗容(= deathmask)。 2.口实;掩饰。 3.假面跳舞会;戴假面者;假面战。 4.(纪念打猎的)狐头,狐面。 5.(筑城)遮障,掩蔽角面堡;【印刷】蒙片;【摄影】蔽光框。 6.【计算机】时标,时间标志。 a flu mask 防感冒戴的口罩;卫生口罩。 assume [put on, wear] the mask 戴假面具,掩盖真面目。 drop [pull off, throw off] the mask 摘下假面具;现出本来面目。 under the mask of 假托,在…假面具下。 vt. 1.在(脸)上戴假面具;化装。 2.蒙蔽,遮蔽,隐,覆;【军事】掩蔽,隐蔽(兵力、炮位);掩护;(因逼近敌方)妨碍(友军)炮火射程;【印刷】(制版时)用蒙片修正(底片色调);【摄影】用蔽光框修改(照相的大小、形状等)。 vi. 戴假面具;化装;参加化装舞会。 We could not fire, as we were masked by our first line. 第一线挡住,我们无法射击。
Key keyboard control around mobile , the space bar use of protective masks 键盘左右键控制移动,空格键使用保护罩。
Introduction : key keyboard control around mobile , the space bar use of protective masks 键盘左右键控制移动,空格键使用保护罩。
England captain john terry , who also faced bolton as well as valencia in midweek , was wearing his protective mask 队长特里在对博尔顿和瓦伦西亚的比赛中都上场了,他仍然戴着保护面罩。
Obviously , the tale of the sars epidemic is currently told in the form of strong images : of people in hospitals , people with protective masks in everyday life situations , images of the virus itself as a crown shaped nucleus 近期有关非典型肺炎的故事,似乎也往往由强烈的影像道来:医院里的人群日常满街带口罩的人,以至病毒本身的冠状核子等。
Another investigator , professor of the department of community and family medicine wong tse wai , pointed out that ward workers have to use all protective equipments , including protective mask , gloves , goggles , without any lax , so that it will truely be protective . adequate infection control training for all staff before they work in these wards are the most essential , especially for those seconded staff and non - medical and non - nursing staff 调查小组另一位负责人中文大学社区及家庭医学系教授黄子惠教授表示,非典型肺炎的病毒,在病房的传染机会非常之高,有关医护人员必须非常严格执行所有防御步骤:包括正确用手套、保护镜片、口罩等才能发挥保护作用。