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protective mask中文是什么意思

用"protective mask"造句"protective mask"怎么读"protective mask" in a sentence


  • 防毒面具
  • 防护面罩


  • Key keyboard control around mobile , the space bar use of protective masks
  • Introduction : key keyboard control around mobile , the space bar use of protective masks
  • England captain john terry , who also faced bolton as well as valencia in midweek , was wearing his protective mask
  • Obviously , the tale of the sars epidemic is currently told in the form of strong images : of people in hospitals , people with protective masks in everyday life situations , images of the virus itself as a crown shaped nucleus
  • Another investigator , professor of the department of community and family medicine wong tse wai , pointed out that ward workers have to use all protective equipments , including protective mask , gloves , goggles , without any lax , so that it will truely be protective . adequate infection control training for all staff before they work in these wards are the most essential , especially for those seconded staff and non - medical and non - nursing staff
用"protective mask"造句  
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